
What’s new in our Optical Modeling and Design Software?

Analyzing CMOS Sensor with Microlens on Top

[October 12, 2020]
Can a microlens still focus light as expected when the pixel size edges closer to the wavelength? We investigate this issue with VirtualLab Fusion at selected examples.
[October 12, 2020]

By continuously decreasing the pixel size of CMOS sensors, better and better spatial resolution has been achieved in recent decades, with the tendency expected to continue. This, however, turns the spotlight onto the microlenses sitting on top of each pixel. Can a microlens still focus light as expected when the pixel size edges closer to the wavelength? We investigate this issue with VirtualLab Fusion at selected examples.

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Resolution Investigation

[October 02, 2020]
We demonstrate Abbe’s resolution limit and the Rayleigh criterion in VirtualLab Fusion and show how to use them to evaluate the performance of typical imaging systems.
[October 02, 2020]

How to resolve better is an ever-present question in optical science, and how to judge the resolution of an optical system is therefore an important question. Following Ernst Karl Abbe (1840-1905) and John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh (1842-1919), we demonstrate Abbe’s resolution limit and the Rayleigh criterion in VirtualLab Fusion and show how to use both analyses to evaluate the performance of typical imaging systems.

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Generation of Arbitrary Vector Beams with Interferometric Setup

[September 25, 2020]
We demonstrate the generation of vector beams in VirtualLab Fusion and compare the results against those from the literature.
[September 25, 2020]

Cylindrical vector beams have been found to be helpful in various applications. Following the work of X.-L. Wang et al., we build up an interferometric setup for the generation of vector beams. The setup consists of various types of optical components, including SLMs, gratings, apertures, waveplates and lenses. With the programmable function, the SLM transmission can be arbitrarily defined and varied, as in the example below. We demonstrate the generation of vector beams in VirtualLab Fusion and compare the results against those from the literature.

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Join Our Upcoming Online Events

[September 23, 2020]
Take part in our upcoming online events. Register now for our next webinar and virtual talks!
[September 23, 2020]

Simulation of Interferometric Setups | 30 September

Virtual Talk:
Simulation and Analysis of high-NA Freeform Surfaces | 7 October

Lightguides for Mixed Reality Glasses | 21 October

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Single Grating Interferometer for X-Ray

[September 18, 2020]
Following the work of N. Morimoto et al., we selected three types of phase gratings and used each of them to build up single grating interferometers in VirtualLab Fusion.
[September 18, 2020]

X-ray imaging technologies are often based on the Talbot effect and the self-imaging of gratings. Following the work of N. Morimoto et al., we selected three types of phase gratings and used each of them to build up single grating interferometers in VirtualLab Fusion. With proper Fourier transform settings, we calculate the self-images i.e. the diffraction patterns behind the phase gratings (modeled as transmission functions) and compare the results from different types of gratings.

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Confocal Scanning Microscopy

[September 07, 2020]
We build up a confocal scanning microscope in VirtualLab Fusion, and, especially with the help of the grating component, we use a metallic grating as the test object to demonstrate the working principle and visualize the effects at different locations in the system.
[September 07, 2020]

Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a widely applied technology for both scientific research and industrial applications. Using a spatial pinhole at the image plane – conjugated to the location of the object – helps improve the resolution. We build up one such confocal scanning microscope in VirtualLab Fusion, and, especially with the help of the grating component, we use a metallic grating as the test object to demonstrate the working principle and visualize the effects at different locations in the system.

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Using Volume Gratings as Angular Filters

[August 27, 2020]
Following the work of K. Bang et al., we construct volume gratings in VirtualLab Fusion and analyze their angular response.
[August 27, 2020]

Volume gratings, due to their high spectral and angular sensitivities, can, in turn, be designed to function as either spectral or angular filters. Following the work of K. Bang et al., we construct such volume gratings in VirtualLab Fusion and analyze their angular response. In comparison to traditional spatial filtering employing a 4-f system, volume gratings can be integrated in complex systems compactly. As an example, we use a volume grating to suppress the higher diffraction orders of a DOE and demonstrate the effect.

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Register now for our next Webinar

[August 25, 2020]
Register now for our next webinar: Modeling and Design of Metagratings. Take part on 2 September and get deeper insights.
[August 25, 2020]

We would like to invite you to take part in our next VirtualLab Fusion webinar. In order to adapt to different time zones worldwide, we will hold this webinar twice.

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