Microlens and Microcell Arrays
Microcell arrays have been gaining traction of late as yet another element in the world of light shaping. The nature of the unit cell covers
- lenses and other refractive elements (such as freeforms),
- mirrors and
- gratings
with the added freedom of allowing the unit cells to either be replicated, or distinct from one another. VirtualLab Fusion and its fast physical optics concept permit the ray and physical optics analysis of such devices (in combination with source characteristics like polarization, coherence and dispersion), also enabling their design and optimization through an intuitive, guided user interface.

Selected Use Cases
Find detailed technical information in the following selected samples:
Design of different types of cells arrays, which are used behind white light LED for generating customized patterns, are presented.
The imaging properties of microlens array with different lens shapes are investigated. Change of the focal spots with respect to aberration of input field is demonstrated.
Related Information
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