Fast physical optics, as implemented in VirtualLab Fusion, provides the tools for fast simulations of the best-known interferometers
- Michelson
- Mach-Zehnder
- Young
among others, enabling the study of coherence and dispersion effects in the interference patterns. Ray tracing through the systems is also envisaged, with a friendly user interface and easy switching between the two engines.

Selected Use Cases
Find detailed technical information in the following selected samples:
A Mach-Zehnder interferometer is build up in VirtualLab, and it is demonstrated that how the tilt and shift of an optical elements may affect the interference pattern.
A Michelson interferometer with Xenon lamp source is modeled, with the spectral property, i.e. limited coherence length, of the source fully taken into account.
With a low-coherence Xenon lamp source, a Michelson interferometer is build up for precise scanning of the surface profile of a given specimen.
Related Information
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