
Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Be always up to date! Get our weekly information about the latest technical updates and you will never miss an event again.

We will send out our newsletter on a weekly basis, generally.

Please review our privacy policy for further information on user data handling.

What You Can Expect:

We will keep you updated on our Trainings, Online Trainings, Webinars and Meetups. We will let you know in time where and when you can meet us at a trade show or at which talks you can learn something new from us. Beside this event specific newsletters you can also get all the latest information about our optical design software. Be one of the first to know about new developments, features and applications. This information is always user-oriented and based on exciting Use Cases. These Use Cases not only help you use VirtualLab Fusion, they help you understand the full range of our fast physical optics software.

A Newsletter from Experts for Experts:

Our newsletter is created by optical engineers and each Use Case has been tested and optimized in VirtualLab Fusion. With each Newsletter and each new Use Case, you will also receive Sample Files for VirtualLab Fusion, so that you can calculate the examples yourself and improve your skills in using our software.

One More Reason to Subscribe to the Newsletter:

If that still doesn't convince you, we also regularly raffle off tickets to exhibitions and hold small contests among our newsletter recipients.
So with a little luck you can win small prizes by registering now.

Contact & Trial

LightTrans GmbH

Phone +49.3641.53129-50

info (at)


VirtualLab Fusion

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