
The New VirtualLab Fusion 2024.1

This release comes with a number of enhancements, new optical design features and a completely new software package.

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Release Notes

The New Optimization Package.

Powerful local and global optimization algorithms for your optical design simulation.

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Flexible, Fast

Many simulation techniques - connected on one optical design platform.

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High-Speed Simulation with Distributed Computing

Use network resources to speed up your optical design simulations.

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Pulse Train Generator

Many laser sources generate trains of seemingly identical pulses. While the time envelop of each individual pulse is indeed completely identical, due to nonlinear processes inside the laser resonator a carrier-envelop-phase will be introduced to each single pulse. In this document we want to demonstrate a component, which allows the user to generate a train of specified gaussian pulses, where the CEP is taken care of.

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LightTrans GmbH

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VirtualLab Fusion

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