
What’s new in our Optical Modeling and Design Software?

Metasurface Building Blocks

[May 07, 2019]
With the Fourier modal method in VirtualLab Fusion, one can perform a rigorous analysis of nanostructures, with access to the full electromagnetic information. As an example, the performance of nanopillars with varying diameters is evaluated.
[May 07, 2019]

Metalenses and metasurfaces have risen to scientific fame by virtue of their unique properties for manipulation of electromagnetic fields. Thanks to recent advances in nanofabrication technologies, their manufacture has also become feasible. A key step in the design of metasurfaces is finding the appropriate building blocks that make up the surface. With the Fourier modal method (FMM, also known as RCWA) in VirtualLab Fusion, one can perform a rigorous analysis of such nanostructures, with access to the full electromagnetic information. As an example, the performance of nanopillars with varying diameters is evaluated.

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Interferometric Optical Testing

[April 30, 2019]
We build up a testing optical system based on the Fizeau interferometer in VirtualLab Fusion, use several types of surfaces as test objects, and observe different interference fringes.
[April 30, 2019]

Optical interferometric setups are widely used for precise surface or wavefront testing and detailed analysis. Especially Fizeau interferometers are having pride of place as one of the most widely applied techniques for surface profile testing in the industry. We construct a testing optical system based on Fizeau interferometer in VirtualLab Fusion using several types of surfaces as test objects, and observe different interference fringes. Furthermore, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer for lens testing is presented as well.

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Mie Solution for Scattering with a Spherical Particle

[April 24, 2019]
The Mie solution has been enabled in VirtualLab Fusion for the investigation of the scattering properties of a spherical particle. As an example, scattering by a particle made of either a dielectric or a metallic material is simulated, and both situations are then compared.
[April 24, 2019]

Scattering of light is one of the most fundamental effects in optics. For those cases with scattering particles whose size is comparable to the wavelength of the light, e.g., liquid droplets or gaseous contaminants in the air, an exact treatment is required to produce an accurate enough model. The Mie solution, also known as the Lorenz-Mie solution, or Mie scattering, has been enabled in VirtualLab Fusion for the investigation of the scattering properties of a spherical particle. As an example, scattering by a particle made of either a dielectric or a metallic material is simulated, and both situations are then compared.

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Analysis and Design of AR Moth-Eye in optical design sofware

Anti-Reflective Moth-Eye Structures

[April 12, 2019]
VirtualLab Fusion provides convenient tools for constructing them, and the rigorous Fourier modal method (FMM) for their analysis. A typical workflow on the analysis and optimization of moth-eye structures is demonstrated.
[April 12, 2019]

Inspired by certain moth and butterfly species, biomimetic moth-eye anti-reflection (AR) structures have been fabricated and used for a wide range of applications. Such structures can be modeled by assuming arrays of truncated cones with dimensions smaller than the wavelength of the light. VirtualLab Fusion provides convenient tools for constructing them, and the rigorous Fourier modal method (FMM) for their analysis. A typical workflow on the analysis and optimization of moth-eye structures is demonstrated.

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Temporal Coherence Measurement

[April 05, 2019]
We demonstrate how to apply such source model in a Michelson interferometer, vary the path interferometer arm length with Parameter Run, and visualize how the coherence property of the source influences the fringe pattern.
[April 05, 2019]

Michelson interferometers and their variations can often be used for temporal-coherence or spectrum measurement for given light sources. In VirtualLab Fusion, with the flexibility in source modelling that said software provides various types of spectra with limited bandwidth can be set up. As an example, we demonstrate how to apply this source-model concept in a Michelson interferometer, vary the path length of one of the interferometer arms with the Parameter Run, and visualize how the coherence property of the source influences the resulting fringe pattern.

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Submission open – EOS Diffractive Optics 2019

[April 04, 2019]
This is a great chance for you to meet our technical experts and sales representatives for a discussion about the various application possibilities of the Fast Physical Optics Software VirtualLab Fusion.
[April 04, 2019]

Jena, Germany | 16. – 19. September

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Interference Fringe Investigation

[March 31, 2019]
We present two examples based on the classical Michelson interferometer: one with a coherent high-quality laser light source, and the other with a broadband white light source.
[March 31, 2019]

Interferometry is one of the most widely applied technologies for precise measurement. By observing and investigating the fringe pattern, it is possible to judge the surface profile quality or gauge information about the spectral bandwidth. With the non-sequential field tracing technology in VirtualLab Fusion, optical interferometers can be set up and analyzed easily. Here we present two examples based on the classical Michelson interferometer: one with a coherent high-quality laser light source, and the other with a broadband white light source.

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Release: VirtualLab Fusion

[March 29, 2019]
Release: VirtualLab Fusion
[March 29, 2019]

We are pleased to announce the release of VirtualLab Fusion (Build!
In order to be able to use this update, the update service must include the 1st quarter of 2019.

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