

VirtualLab Fusion webinars, held by our team of experienced optical engineers, take place regularly on different topics.

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Previous Webinars

Below you may find a list of our webinars which have already taken place. Fill out the form on the webinar page and get access to our webinar for watching it on demand.

Multiphysical System Modeling and Optimization in Optics Development

30 March 2022

This webinar is hosted and organized by OptoNet – Thuringias Photonic Network. LightTrans is proud to present VirtualLab Fusion.

Multiphysical System Modeling and Optimization in Optics Development

30 March 2022
This webinar is hosted and organized by OptoNet – Thuringias Photonic Network. LightTrans is proud to present VirtualLab Fusion related content next to the two OptoNet members Dynardo/Ansys and CiS.

Simulation methods and algorithms play a significant role in product and process optimization. For complex systems, such as laser processing equipment, interactions between multiple physical domains may need to be considered. Accordingly, in this webinar we would like to provide insight into the general workflow of a process and product optimization using several examples. In particular, we will look at systems in which information is exchanged across domains as well as across software as part of the optimization process.

Analysis and Optimization of Lightguides for Augmented & Mixed Reality

16 February 2022

The fast physical optics modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion is perfectly placed to become the simulation tool of choice for optical engineers working in AR and MR...

Analysis and Optimization of Lightguides for Augmented & Mixed Reality

16 February 2022
Augmented and mixed reality (AR & MR) devices constitute one of the most exciting developments in optical engineering in recent times: mainly due to the thrilling new applications they enable, but also, from an optical engineer’s perspective, because of the challenges arising from such systems.  

The fast physical optics modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion is perfectly placed to become the simulation tool of choice for optical engineers working in AR and MR. Its consistent vectorial treatment of fields takes complex polarization effects into account, while its “connecting field solvers” technology allows us to combine a rigorous field solver for the grating regions of the lightguide with other, less resource-heavy methods for the free-space propagation and the surfaces of the lightguide, to produce a thorough yet efficient result. Additionally, VirtualLab Fusion offers specific detectors and design algorithms to help the optical designer in his AR & MR design tasks.  

Join this webinar if you would like to see the following examples in action in VirtualLab Fusion:

  • Introduction & Optimization of lightguides with continuously modulated grating regions 
  • PSF & MTF analysis of complex lightguide system with 2D eye pupil expansion and human eye model 
  • Demonstration of other complex layouts (like 2D-periodic diamond-shaped grating from Wave Optics patent, butterfly eye pupil expansion from Microsoft patent)

Next-Generation Optics Software: Trends in Technology

18 January 2022

President Frank Wyrowski introduces an alternative approach to optical systems modeling in this webinar: identifying and applying the generalization of ray optics inside the framework of physical optics...

Next-Generation Optics Software: Trends in Technology

18 January 2022
President Frank Wyrowski introduces an alternative approach to optical systems modeling in this webinar: identifying and applying the generalization of ray optics inside the framework of physical optics. He presents modeling software that results from answering this question, showcasing how physical optics modeling can be made more practical and useful for advancing technologies such as AR/MR devices.
Physical optics calculation software typically provides a single solving program for Maxwell’s equations. Field solvers like finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) or finite element method (FEM) enable the modeling and design of specific micro- and nano-optics structures but, because of their high numerical effort, which tends to scale up with the size of the system, are not by themselves a realistic approach to system modeling.

Advanced Modeling of Microlens Arrays with VirtualLab Fusion

23 November 2021

The new Microlens Array component with its optional lateral channel decomposition technology makes the simulation of MLAs most efficient...

Advanced Modeling of Microlens Arrays with VirtualLab Fusion

23 November 2021
The new Microlens Array component with its optional lateral channel decomposition technology makes the simulation of MLAs most efficient.
In modern optical systems, the applications of microlens arrays (MLAs) cover a broad and varied range: as the main component in Shack-Hartmann sensors or in light field cameras, as collimating elements for emitter arrays (VCSEL or diode bars) or playing a vital role in diffusers and homogenizers. These are just some of the many uses to which this type of element can be put.

The new Microlens Array component in the fast physical optics modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion with its optional lateral channel decomposition technology makes the simulation of optical systems containing MLAs much more efficient and user-friendly. It gives control to the user, allowing him to investigate the behavior of each microlens in the array independently, or of all of them together. At the same time, all the perks of the field tracing technology that has become the signature of this powerful software are still there: the different modeling levels are the key to the consideration of diffraction in different parts of the system.

Seamless Transition between Ray and Physical Optics Modeling

02 November 2021

The EPIC Members New Product Release will be a combination of an online meeting with qualified attendees, and a live launch on YouTube for everyone to see...

Seamless Transition between Ray and Physical Optics Modeling

02 November 2021
The EPIC Members New Product Release will be a combination of an online meeting with qualified attendees, and a live launch on YouTube for everyone to see. Several companies will release their latest products and will have the opportunity to engage with potential partners, clients, and the complete EPIC network! This is a great chance for you to listen to our President, Frank Wyrowski talk about the seamless transition between ray an physical optics modeling.
Ray and physical optics are often understood as two competing ways to model optical systems.

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LightTrans GmbH

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VirtualLab Fusion

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