

VirtualLab Fusion webinars, held by our team of experienced optical engineers, take place regularly on different topics.

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Previous Webinars

Below you may find a list of our webinars which have already taken place. Fill out the form on the webinar page and get access to our webinar for watching it on demand.

Modeling and Design of Flat Optics

27 October 2021

Bayern Photonics and Photonics BW invite you to „Flat Optics and Meta Materials“. Listen to Frank Wyrowski's talk: „Modeling and Design of Flat Optics“...

Modeling and Design of Flat Optics

27 October 2021
Bayern Photonics and Photonics BW invite you to „Flat Optics and Meta Materials“. Listen to Frank Wyrowski's talk: „Modeling and Design of Flat Optics“.
Please take the chance and listen to Frank Wyrowski talking about "Modeling and Design of Flat Optics".

  • Metamaterialien und ihr Einsatz in den Optischen Technologien
    Prof. Dr. Harald Giessen, Universität Stuttgart
  • Modeling and Design of Flat Optics
    Prof. Dr. Frank Wyrowski, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
  • Herstellung von Flat Optics und Meta Lenses
    Dr. Irina Harder; Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts

Modeling Crystals & Anisotropic Media with VirtualLab Fusion

21 October 2021

Being able to model crystals and anisotropic components accurately is of evident interest across a broad range of fields of application...

Modeling Crystals & Anisotropic Media with VirtualLab Fusion

21 October 2021
Being able to model crystals and anisotropic components accurately is of evident interest across a broad range of fields of application.
The very characteristic properties of anisotropic media make them a fundamental part of many optical systems, particularly in terms of polarization control of the propagating light. Being able to model crystals and anisotropic components accurately, not just as standalone elements, but especially as one piece of a larger, more complex system, is then of evident interest across a broad range of fields of application.  

Crystals, Polarizers, Wave Plates – Modeling Anisotropic Media in VirtualLab Fusion

31 August 2021

Listen to our President, Frank Wyrowski talk about the newest applications of our VirtualLab Fusion Software during this EPIC event...

Crystals, Polarizers, Wave Plates – Modeling Anisotropic Media in VirtualLab Fusion

31 August 2021
Listen to our President, Frank Wyrowski talk about the newest applications of our VirtualLab Fusion Software during this EPIC event.
The EPIC Members New Product Release will be a combination of an online meeting with qualified attendees, and a live launch on YouTube for everyone to see. Several companies will release their latest products and will have the opportunity to engage with potential partners, clients, and the complete EPIC network!

This is a great chance for you to listen to our President, Frank Wyrowski talk about the newest applications of our VirtualLab Fusion Software during this EPIC event:
The version 2021.1 of VirtualLab Fusion comes with new features for modeling microlens arrays, multimode fibers, LP modes, anisotropic media, flexible multiple sources, and a unique workflow for a seamless transition between ray and physical optics modeling. The presentation focuses on the modeling of components which include anisotropic media, e.g., crystals and wave plates.

Presenting VirtualLab Fusion 2021.1

25 August 2021

Many of the features that are introduced in this version help set the stage for a host of new thrilling applications...

Presenting VirtualLab Fusion 2021.1

25 August 2021
Many of the features that are introduced in this version help set the stage for a host of new thrilling applications. Moreover, the simulation of  complex systems in VirtualLab Fusion is now faster, more user-friendly, and more straightforward. In this webinar, we will be taking a look together at a round-up of some key scenarios where the exciting potential of this version is best showcased.

You can expect:

  • A taste of some of the most prominent new features of the latest VirtualLab Fusion version, 2021.1!
  • Look at the Fiber Mode Calculator, LP Mode Source, and Multimode Fiber Coupling Efficiency detector to investigate the effect of aberrations and air turbulence on mode shape and coupling efficiency.
  • New S-matrix solver for anisotropic media to experiment with birefringence, polarization conversion and to investigate the role of crystal layers as efficiency boosters in LCDs.
  • The simulation of a Shack-Hartmann sensor and saw how the new lateral channel handling opens the door to the simulation of even more microlens array systems with VirtualLab Fusion 2021.1!

AR & MR Devices – How to Model Light Guides in VirtualLab Fusion

15 Juni 2021

We will go over the most common workflows in this field of application, so that you can get an impression of the look and feel of the software.

AR & MR Devices – How to Model Light Guides in VirtualLab Fusion

In our webinar last December we showed you some of the cool things that are possible in the field of augmented and mixed reality with the Light Guide Toolbox of the fast physical optics modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion. This time, we return to the topic with a much more hands-on approach. In our coming webinar, we will go over some of the most common workflows when working in this field of application with VirtualLab Fusion, so that you can get an impression of the look and feel of the software.

You can expect to see:

  • Introduction into VirtualLab’s Light Guide component and set-up of light guide devices
  • How to configure and add grating structures
  • Step-by-step modeling and evaluation of the set up device

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LightTrans GmbH

Phone +49.3641.53129-50

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VirtualLab Fusion

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