
Beyond Ray Tracing

Innovative Optical Design with Fast Physical Optics

16 November 2018
Seoul, Korea
SETEC, Convention Hall 1

Modern optical technology has so branched out from traditionally understood lens systems that ray optics often falls short when it comes to simulating and designing cutting-edge optical systems with acceptable accuracy. A software package that yields fast physical optics simulation results alongside ray tracing then becomes, not a choice, but a necessity. This is precisely what VirtualLab Fusion offers: come to our free seminar to discover the fast physical optics concept, how to benefit from it through our user-friendly GUI, and an overview of what it can provide in a wide-ranging set of applications!

Seminar Schedule:

Concepts, techniques, and customization
10:00 – 12:30

  • Introduction to the theory and concepts of fast physical optics
  • Modeling techniques in VirtualLab Fusion
  • Design methods for diffractive, refractive, and hybrid optical components and systems
  • VirtualLab Fusion user-interface concept, tools,
    customization and programming

Applications and software demonstrations
13:30 – 17:00

  • Discussion and demonstration of application examples out of a collection of numerous VirtualLab Fusion use cases
  • Insights into the functionality and usage of VirtualLab Fusion through use cases
  • Questions & answers on how VirtualLab Fusion can provide the solution you seek

Contact & Trial

LightTrans GmbH

Phone +49.3641.53129-50

info (at)


VirtualLab Fusion

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