
The New VirtualLab Fusion 2024.1

This release comes with a number of enhancements, new optical design features and a completely new software package.

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Release Notes

The New Optimization Package.

Powerful local and global optimization algorithms for your optical design simulation.

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Flexible, Fast

Many simulation techniques - connected on one optical design platform.

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High-Speed Simulation with Distributed Computing

Use network resources to speed up your optical design simulations.

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7x7 Beam Splitter in 2f Setup with a VCSEL Source

Diffractive elements like beam splitters can be modeled in complex optical systems. Efficiencies are evaluated rigorously, e.g. by Fourier Modal method (FMM), RCWA, respectively. Physical optics enables the access to any kind of light information in the desired image plane.

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LightTrans GmbH

Phone +49.3641.53129-50

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VirtualLab Fusion

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