Import of Zemax Optical Systems and Export for CAD

VirtualLab Fusion offers a user-friendly interface with Zemax, with which the user can import complete optical systems from Zemax, including the full 3D position information and the definition of the glass materials.

This enables an efficient and flexible workflow for optical designers who have access to both software packages - one optical system, constructed once, and analyzed with both Zemax and VirtualLab. On another note, optical systems and components in VirtualLab can be exported into various computer-aided design (CAD) formats, such as IGES and STL, which makes it convenient for eventual further fabrication processes.

Import Optical Systems from Zemax

VirtualLab Fusion allows the user to import optical systems with full 3D position information and glasses from Zemax files. The import enables a user friendly interface between the two software packages.

Export Systems and Components into STL & IGES Format

VirtualLab supports the export of optical components specified in the system into various CAD formats. This includes for example the export of lenses, prisms, mirror systems and other components into STL and in IGES format.

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