Construction and Modeling of a GRIN Lens

In contrast to a traditional optical lens, which works due to light refracting at the curved surfaces of the lens, a GRIN lens can make light focus using only flat surfaces. The flat shape and the working principle of such lenses provide advantages – convenience in mounting and even the possibility of being fused to other devices, like an optical fiber. VirtualLab Fusion provides a fully electromagnetic modeling technology for light propagation in GRIN media. We show here an example of a GRIN lens.

Modeling of a GRIN lens

In VirtualLab Fusion, we perform a full physical-optics modeling of a graded-index lens system, which includes the polarization crosstalk effects.

Construction and Modeling of a GRIN Lens

VirtualLab Fusion allows for the specification of a graded-index lens in a very user-friendly way. In addition, such index-modulated lenses can be analyzed by ray tracing as well as by field tracing.

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